Monday, October 6, 2008

DIGI HUNT October 17

Well despite being rained out last month at the wide games, we still had fun playing Dan's crazy games at the Bolt. Nice wok Dan!

The upcoming Friday Night Cheese (weather permitting) is the long awaited Digi Hunt! A Digi Hunt has nothing to do wtih digimon... Basically you will be split into teams, given a digital camera and a list of things that you gotta snap. Prizes will be given for the best pics!

Meet at Eltham Lower Park at 6:30pm
Pick up from Maccas at 9:30pm
Download the permission slip here... and the med form here (get the med form only if you havent been before)

Grab your mates at come along, cos it will be a blast!
(hope you can make it this time, travis)


Anonymous said...

Hey Neale, i will give you chocolate if u let us win.....

EBC Youth said...

so... anyone want to offer something more?

EBC Youth said...

of course the judging is unbiased

Anonymous said...

I still will offer you chocolate if you let me and my friends win!!!